
Quantum Design GmbH

Quantum Design GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Quantum Design GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

About Quantum Design GmbH

We have been selling high-tech products from many well-known manufacturers as well as our own since 1970. Visit our website and get to know us and the contact people for our various products. Even if you are one of our long-established and loyal customers, you will be surprised at the new products in our delivery program. As you know: development never stops and our product line is always state-of-the-art. Since 2007, our long-term principal Quantum Design (QD) Inc. from San Diego, has been the principal shareholder of LOT. Since the beginning of 2012, we are 100% part of the Quantum Design International. This is why we have decided to change our name from LOT-Oriel to LOT-QuantumDesign and our legal form to GmbH (a limited liability company).

Laser Lithography System

The MicroWriter 2 is our large laser lithography system that offers everything a researcher needs for laser lithography experiments. The system can reach a resolution of 0.6 µm and a writing speed of...

Large Format CCD

Aplegen’s scientific large format CCD cameras with up to 16 megapixels are available with a cooling of 60 °C, low noise, high sensitivity and dynamic range. CMOS cameras with sensors from 1.3 Mpx up t...

Magnetic Hyperthermia

The DM100 series is the integral, immediate and reliable solution for laboratory tests on nano heating research whose major application is magnetic hyperthermia. It can be used for the magnetic charac...

Temperature Controllers

We offer a complete line of cryogenic temperature controllers, monitors, sensors, and accessories. The controllers are designed for general purpose laboratory and industrial use. They support virtuall...

Electrically Tunable Filters

VariSpec Liquid Crystal Tunable Filters (LCTFs) from CRI are like high-quality interference filters, but the wavelengths they transmit are electronically controllable. They provide a rapid, vibration-...

Particle Size Analyzer

We offer the only disc centrifuge that works with up to 24000 rpm while covering a measurement range from micrometers down to 5 nm. The disc centrifuge, manufactured by CPS Instruments, combines conve...

Light Meters

We have a full line of configurable, digital precision light meters with a wide-array of available light detectors to measure visible, UV, and infrared light from almost any type of source.

Power Meters YAG And CO2

Our power meters allow quick and easy measurements of laser power at any point in an optical system where losses are likely to occur. We offer 16 flat and 3 conical models in 9 different power ranges...

Nanomechanical Testing Centre

With the NanoTest Vantage system, Micro Materials Ltd. offers a universal platform for different methods to characterize the mechanical properties of surfaces and thin films. The modularity of the sys...

Thin Film Stress Measurement Systems

Many commercially available systems can perform 2-dimensional stress measurements of thin films deposited on a substrate. The FLX system from Toho International is able to measure film stress in a tem...

Pulse Thermography

The nondestructive analysis of materials by thermography is a wide application field that is more and more used for finding defects in metals, ceramics and composites. We offer both complete systems f...


Our spectroradiometers feature state-of-the-art linear silicon or multiple Si & InGaAs photodiode arrays, integral dark shutters and automatic exposure control for fast, one-touch operation. All units...