
Quantum Design GmbH

Quantum Design GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Quantum Design GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

About Quantum Design GmbH

We have been selling high-tech products from many well-known manufacturers as well as our own since 1970. Visit our website and get to know us and the contact people for our various products. Even if you are one of our long-established and loyal customers, you will be surprised at the new products in our delivery program. As you know: development never stops and our product line is always state-of-the-art. Since 2007, our long-term principal Quantum Design (QD) Inc. from San Diego, has been the principal shareholder of LOT. Since the beginning of 2012, we are 100% part of the Quantum Design International. This is why we have decided to change our name from LOT-Oriel to LOT-QuantumDesign and our legal form to GmbH (a limited liability company).

Physical measuring instruments

The PPMS® is an automated low-temperature and magnet system for the measurement of material properties like specific heat, magnetic AC and DC susceptibility and both electrical and thermal transport p...

Physical measuring instruments (DynaCool)

The PPMS®-DynaCool™ connects the traditional PPMS® platform with an integrated pulse tube cooler. The system can thus be operated without liquid helium or nitrogen although it contains a superconducti...

Spin Coaters

Spin coaters are ideal tools to prepare thin and ultrathin films especially for spectroscopic applications. By applying rotational speeds up to 19.000 rpm thin and ultrathin layers of extraordinary ho...

Quartz Crystal Microbalance

Q-Sense instruments are based on the patented QCM-D technique. The instruments measure in real-time the mass of molecular layers that form on the quartz sensor. Simultaneously structural (viscoelastic...

Helium Liquefiers

Our Advanced Technology Liquefier (ATL) is a novel helium liquefier that can easily be operated in a laboratory without sophisticated installation requirements. A touch-screen panel allows easy contro...

Optical Tweezers

Based on an acousto-optic (AO) laser beam deflection technology, Tweez enables you to create complex trapping patterns. The manipulation of trapped objects is possible through the flexible control of...