
Matesy GmbH

Matesy GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2008

Matesy GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2008

About Matesy GmbH

Matesy GmbH is a developer and distributor of magnetic, magneto-optical and optical components and systems. The core competences of Matesy are magnetic 3D-monitoring and magneto-optical visualization. Furthermore Matesy is focusing on measurement and calibration services for magnetic components and devices. Matesy also provides expert design engineering services conceptualize, specify, analyze, design, simulate, optimize, build and test of magnetic and optical systems.

Magnetisches Partikel Tracking System (MagTrack – go with the flow)

Magnetic particle tracking (MPT) system for the analysis of three-dimensional motion sequences in closed systems, as fluidized bed systems and spouted bed systems. MagTrack is a reliable alternative f...

Targeted active agent release (MAARS (Magnetic Active Agent Release System))

MAARS is a magnetic, segmented capsule containing agents which can be located in the digestive system. When reaching a desired position, the capsule releases the agents through demagnetization impulse...

Functional gastrointestinal diagnosis (3D-MAGMA)

The 3D-MAGMA serves the localization and pursuit of the magnetic capsule in human´s or animal´s digestive tract for functional diagnostics in the gastroenterology and active and passive agent release...

Fluxgate Magnetometer (FM-A & FM-D)

Our single axial Fluxgate-Sensors are available with digital USB (FM-D) or analog (FM-A) interface. They are suitable for measurement earth’s magnetic field, the detection of power supply lines or for...

Visualization of magnetic fields (CMOS-MagView)

PC-based visualization of magnetic structures and field strengths. Magnetic stray fields of credit cards, magnetic linear and rotary encoders, as well as duopole and multiple pole magnets can be visua...

Magneto Optical Sensor

Magneto-optical sensors for forensics and research investigations of magnetic materials and thin films. The highly sensitive magneto-optical sensors are the basis for the visualization of magnetic fie...

Simulation Software (MicroMagus)

Software package for quasistatic and dynamic micromagnetic simulations on magnetic thin films and multilayer elements.

Target tube testing (Tube-Inspector)

The TubeInspector was developed to analyze coated pipes during production process. With the ascertained parameters diameter and ellipticity information about quality of process and lifetime of the tub...

Characterization of permanent magnets (M-axis)

Measurement of magnetic moment, remanence, magnetization angle and north-/south effect. M-axis is an alternative for Helmholtz coils, an enlargement of Hystograph measurement and suitable for characte...

Shaft Twist Testers (STT R100 NO)

The handy devices STT R100 NO and N STT R150 are suited particularly for the application directly in the production surroundings. Existing twist structures can be visualized immediately by touching-do...

Shaft Twist Testers (STT R100 NK)

The surface roughness causes a typical scattered light distribution, while surface waviness genrates declension stripes in the test picture. With the help of the device STT R100 NK which is provided w...

Shaft Twist Testers (STT R100 NV)

The STT R100 NV is principally designed for the stationary 100%-inspection of seal seat surfaces close to the manufacturing process and is connected to a video camera and a screen. The Video camera ca...