
Matesy GmbH

Matesy GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2008

Matesy GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2008

About Matesy GmbH

Matesy GmbH is a developer and distributor of magnetic, magneto-optical and optical components and systems. The core competences of Matesy are magnetic 3D-monitoring and magneto-optical visualization. Furthermore Matesy is focusing on measurement and calibration services for magnetic components and devices. Matesy also provides expert design engineering services conceptualize, specify, analyze, design, simulate, optimize, build and test of magnetic and optical systems.

Visualization of magnetic fields (MagView)

Handheld device for visualization of magnetic field structures. MagView visualizes magnetic stray fields of credit cards, magnetic encoders and duo pole and multiple pole magnets.

Magneto-optical sensor system (MOSES II)

MOSES II: Forensic system for reliable visualization of magnetically stored information on magnetic tapes (audiotape and videotape).

Magneto-optical sensor system (Mobjective)

Magneto-optical analysis of microscopic structures at polarizing microscope. Magnetic stray fields of storage media, magnetic steel alloys, domain materials, conductors and permanent magnets can be vi...

Helmholtz Coils (3D)

3D-axial coil-systems are used to generate any desired magnetic field configuration. Our 3-axis Helmholtz-coils (or Helmholtz like) are especially designed to compensate the earth`s magnetic field and...