
HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001
  • EMAS EG-Öko-Audit

HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001
  • EMAS EG-Öko-Audit

About HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

The company is located in the Free State of Thuringia and in the middle of the metropolitan region of Central Germany.

The medium-sized, value-oriented, family-run company is the competent partner for high-quality mobile and stationary extraction systems. The managing directors focus on optimized extraction systems for environmentally friendly and efficient work. Since 1997, the range of services includes: consulting, planning, realization and service of extraction systems. The innovative HEAB product spectrum ranges from extraction accessories to large-scale process air systems.

HEAB stands with its slogan:


for maximum occupational and corporate safety, clean air and environmental protection.

Cyclone filter unit - GZFA

The filter unit GZFA is highly effectiv...

EMU15-10 / 25-15 / 40-20