
HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001
  • EMAS EG-Öko-Audit

HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001
  • EMAS EG-Öko-Audit

About HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

The company is located in the Free State of Thuringia and in the middle of the metropolitan region of Central Germany.

The medium-sized, value-oriented, family-run company is the competent partner for high-quality mobile and stationary extraction systems. The managing directors focus on optimized extraction systems for environmentally friendly and efficient work. Since 1997, the range of services includes: consulting, planning, realization and service of extraction systems. The innovative HEAB product spectrum ranges from extraction accessories to large-scale process air systems.

HEAB stands with its slogan:


for maximum occupational and corporate safety, clean air and environmental protection.

Cyclone filter high vacuum (GZF HV)

Compact compressed air-cleaned filter system with timer control.

Inlet with downflow, pre-separation by cyclone effect and optimized filter cleaning ensure lower differential pressure acros...

Central extraction systems

An extraction unit for universal use.

Effortlessly, the unit ensures problem-free extraction of unpleasant substances or powders in many places. This modular plant has been designed in the...

Extraction systems

The HV compact units are well thought out and fit for purpose for use in workshops and factories.

Designed with specially reinforced for high vacuum applications and offer the advantage of...

Extraction arm - hanging version (HASA-R )

The spectrum for the use of the extraction arms ranges from the extraction of disturbing vapors on machines to mobile spot extractors, welding fume extraction, to extraction in the laboratory area....

Exhaust hoods (HASH-M)

The HEAB extraction hood - HASH-M was developed for the optimal collection of swelling, rising dusts
and smoke.

Due to the modular concept, large hood geometries can be mounted even wi...

Work cabins

Work cabins are generally individually planned and built in terms of size, design and equipment. With the help of work cabins, enclosed work spaces can be created which have their own climatic cond...

Suction tables (GLB)

Extraction table - GLB

The extraction table can be used for gluing, fiberglass production and hand painting.

It is designed for heavier gases.

Flame Cutting Tables (GPB)

The harmful fumes and gases produced during plasma cutting are completely and safely extracted by the HEAB cutting table.

Grinding benches (HSLT 1)

The resulting dust/chips are extracted during machining
of workpieces via a grate and the extraction wall at the top.

Coarse parts, such as slag, are guided via baffles into a pull-out...

Exhaust fans

In order to be able to optimally serve the different requirements of our customers, we have extensive fan programs from various selected partners in our portfolio. Depending on the application, the...

High pressure fans

Centrifugal fans, side channel blowers, positive displacement blowers,...

In order to be able to optimally serve the different requirements of our customers, we have extensive fan programs...

Turbo Compressors

In order to be able to optimally serve the different requirements of our customers, we have extensive fan programs from various selected partners in our portfolio. Depending on the application, the...

Cyclone filter unit - GZFA

The filter unit GZFA is highly effectiv...

EMU15-10 / 25-15 / 40-20