
HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001
  • EMAS EG-Öko-Audit

HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001
  • EMAS EG-Öko-Audit

About HEAB Absaugtechnik GmbH

The company is located in the Free State of Thuringia and in the middle of the metropolitan region of Central Germany.

The medium-sized, value-oriented, family-run company is the competent partner for high-quality mobile and stationary extraction systems. The managing directors focus on optimized extraction systems for environmentally friendly and efficient work. Since 1997, the range of services includes: consulting, planning, realization and service of extraction systems. The innovative HEAB product spectrum ranges from extraction accessories to large-scale process air systems.

HEAB stands with its slogan:


for maximum occupational and corporate safety, clean air and environmental protection.

Air purifier (Mia Air)

Fresh air technology of the new generation air purifier Mia Air is one of the currently most powerful devices on the entire market and convinces with its leading filter technology.
The filter...

Cyclone filter system (GZFA)

The GZFA filter system is highly effective with automatic differential pressure control and compressed air cleaning.

Due to the round design and the tangential inlet of the sucked air,...

Cartridge filter (PPF)

The systems are precisely tuned for the filtration of the finest particles and dusts from the air that are generated in many machining processes.

Dry Dust Collectors (GKFU)

A compact and space-saving "plug & play" filter unit.

The dust extractor GKFU is an extremely powerful extraction and filtration unit for direct connection to dust-generating machines a...

Dry filter systems (ZSPF)

HEAB Cyclone Bag Pulse Filter System - ZSPF

The cyclone bag pulse filter system is ideally suited for the separation of dusts in many fields of application. Almost all types of dust can be...

Wet filter systems (NWW-K)

The HEAB wet vortex scrubber is a mobile compact highly effective device, in stainless steel design and powder coated.

It is excellent for washing out and filtering problematic dusts/par...

Wet vortex scrubber (NWW)

Wet vortex scrubber - NWW

Mode of operation and equipment as for wet vortex scrubber NWW-K, but for stationary use, with air capacity up to 22,000 m3/h and special control system.

Oil Mist Separators

The low-maintenance oil and emulsion mist separation systems are designed or projected according to the respective machining processes (on your machine tools). Even with the standard configuration,...

Emulsion fog separators (EMU)

With an oil mist separator or emulsion mist separator of the EMU type, we offer you an effective technology for extracting oil mist from your machine tools.

Emulsion Breakers

The special design of the oil mist separator system, in conjunction with heavy-duty, progressively constructed
filter media ensure long service lives of up to one year and more, depending...

Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

Our industrial vacuum cleaners differ from commercial vacuum cleaners by certain features. With these outstanding quality features, our industrial vacuums are recommended for industrial use in your...

Industrial Vacuum Cleaners (DG 200 Z22 )

The DG 200 industrial vacuum cleaner is particularly recommended when large quantities of materials are to be picked up. It is suitable for agriculture, mechanical engineering, in foundries and ste...

Cyclone filter unit - GZFA

The filter unit GZFA is highly effectiv...

EMU15-10 / 25-15 / 40-20