
Schuetz Messtechnik GmbH

Schuetz Messtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Schuetz Messtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

About Schuetz Messtechnik GmbH

SCHUETZ MESSTECHNIK GMBH was founded in 1978
Main bussiness is Measuring Equipment for the Electrical Energy Distribution
  • Transformer instruments for resistance, ratio, phaseangle, vectorgroup detection
  • Micro-Ohmmeters, very high accuracy, 10n resolution Insulation Meters with 10kV and 10T
  • Digital Ohmmeters for industrial automation
  • Measuring equipment for Batteries and Fuell-Cells
  • Holding devices and measuring equipment for testing of all kind of power cables (Cu,Al) online and offline

Kelvin clip (3Z)

The “small” Kelvin clipper 3Z is Clips mdesigned to connect to free ends of windings and wire connections, busbars, feeders and plates.

This robust measuring clipper is of a two...

Kelvin clip (5Z)

The Kelvin clip 5Z is a robust two-pole measuring clip connecting to cables, e.g. cable ends of cable spools, connecting and winding pins (transformers), as well as bolted connections and busbars i...

Kelvin clip (K90)

The “small” Kelvin clipper K90 is designed to connect to free ends of windings and wire connections, busbars, feeders and plates. This small measuring clipper is of a twopole design so...

Kelvin lug (5K)

The Kelvin lug is a robust two-pole measuring contact connecting to connection and winding pins, in particular in the case of transformers, and bolted connections and busbars in power engineering appl...

Kelvin test prod (4P)


  • For different to reach contact surfaces
  • 70 mm contact shaft
  • Test spikes made from stainless steel
  • Including protective ring

Calibration resistors (RKS)

The calibration resistor type RKS is used to check the technical specifications of measuring bridges, ohmmeters, voltage divider circuits and current measurements by using voltage drop methods. The re...

The MAT1000 transducer is used to measure the electrical resistance of cable, wire and other mate...