
Schuetz Messtechnik GmbH

Schuetz Messtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Schuetz Messtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

About Schuetz Messtechnik GmbH

SCHUETZ MESSTECHNIK GMBH was founded in 1978
Main bussiness is Measuring Equipment for the Electrical Energy Distribution
  • Transformer instruments for resistance, ratio, phaseangle, vectorgroup detection
  • Micro-Ohmmeters, very high accuracy, 10n resolution Insulation Meters with 10kV and 10T
  • Digital Ohmmeters for industrial automation
  • Measuring equipment for Batteries and Fuell-Cells
  • Holding devices and measuring equipment for testing of all kind of power cables (Cu,Al) online and offline

Surface Resistance Tester (MR-1)

Using a special 4-pole contact probe the MR-1 is Surface resistance meters used for the determination of a sufficient electromagnetic compatibility of metal-coated plastic cases.

The MR-1 i...

Micro-Ohmmeters (MR5-200C)

The MICRO-OHMMETER MR5-200C is used to determine electric resistances on very low – resistance objects (e. g. bus bars, any connectors) while using a very high, continous flowing measurement...

Transformator Measuring Bridge (MRC7300A)

With the precision measuring bridge MRC7300A it is possible to safely determine winding resistances, transformation ratios and phase angles of distribution transformers up to 100MVA and more. Furth...

Transformer Measuring Bridge (MR 8050)

With the MR 8050 resistances highly inductive Resistance Meters windings of transformers, motors and reactors can be measured. (range 100 µΩ with 0.01µΩ resolution up to 6 k...

Transformer Measuring Bridge (PWR 3A)

The great advantage of the PWR3A compared to many of the other instruments on the market is its simple set-up.

In most cases the required parameters must be looked up in tables on the ba...

Transformer Loss Bridge (MLS 7100)

The MLS 7100 transformer loss measuring bridge was especially designed to greatly simplify the determination of transformer core and copper losses – an ideal choice when working on site. The mea...

Transformer Ratiometers (PWR1-3B)

The RATIOMETER PWR1-3B is constructed to measure the transformation ratio, phase error and magnetizing current of power- and distribution- transformers for all three-phases simultaneously. Voltage and...

ohmmeter (MR 2212 W)

The MR 2212 W measures the interior resistance of objects with a natural voltage, including batteries, fuel cells, accumulators, separators and power racks.

With its large range from som...

Micro-Ohmmeters (MR 300 C-A)

The MR300C-A micro-ohmmeter enables you to perform highly accurate resistance measurements at objects with an extremely low resistance such as cables, contacts, fuses, power connections, graphite,...

Micro-Ohmmeters (MR 270 C-A)

The MR270C-A is specially designed for electric resistance measurements in cable industry applications and inductive loads (transformers, motors). It is perfectly fit both for measuring the meter r...

Digital Ohmmeter (MR 1012 S)

Owing to its high measuring rate, its compact and robust design, ist accuracy and long-term stability, the digital ohmmeter MR1012S can be used in applications with high requirements concerning the me...

Kelvin clip (1Z / 4 Z)

The Kelvin clipper 1Z/4Z is a robust two-pole measuring clipper connecting to cables, e.g. cable ends of cable spools, connecting and winding pins (transformers), as well as bolted connections and...

The MAT1000 transducer is used to measure the electrical resistance of cable, wire and other mate...