
Arno Arnold GmbH

Arno Arnold GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Arno Arnold GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

About Arno Arnold GmbH

ARNOLD's company history began in 1864 as a manufacturer of bandonions, the classic tango instrument. Since its re-establishment in 1949, Arno Arnold has developed into one of the leading manufacturers of flexible protective equipment for industrial plants.

The company develops, designs and manufactures protective cover systems with great care and responsibility for quality "Made in Germany".

For the ARNOLD team, manufacturing high-quality technical products and keeping pace with changes in the industry and the expectations of international customers is both a challenge and an obligation. Many patent applications, utility models and industrial property rights, such as Strapano, Fix&Finish, Catena, Curvelet, Wings, Winglet and, most recently, Elegano, all machine guards that are highly flexible and safe for a wide range of applications in machines and machining centers, as well as in the automotive industry and medical technology, are proof of the company's innovative strength.

The innovative protective covers combine flexibility, functionality and robustness in equal measure. Machines and systems with "Arnold inside" can work with consistent precision because long downtimes or high spare parts costs are avoided.

Bellows (Classic)

As the inventor of the bellow, Arno Arnold has extensive knowledge of bellows. It became clear very early on that in situations where a lot of swarf is created, additional protection over the bellows...

Round Bellows (Rondet)

Rondet round bellows are used wherever mobility must be guaranteed, e.g. for spindles and joints.

They offer reliable protection against heavy soiling in all materials offered. Rondet round...

Laser beam guiding bellows

The basis for our laser beam guiding bellows is formed by our homogenous system with materials particularly developed for the laser application where fabric, guides, construction and density are co...

Ceiling cover (Roover)

Roof covers are suitable for protection against swirling chips.

These can be retrofitted to rear walls equipped for this purpose. Various opening mechanisms make crane load...

Medical Solutions

Covers in the form of bellows or roller covers for e.g. ambulances, operating tables or transfer beds.

When designing and manufacturing Arnold protective covers for medical technology, all...

Linear Guide Bellows

ARNO ARNOLD manufactures linear guide bellows for all the common manufacturers in standard profiles, in every special dimension and geometry.

More information available upon request.

Lifting table bellows

For lifting table bellows in assembly lines, we recommend a visual indication of the lifted position by means of the yellow side protection in each fold. All options are available, since these bell...

Bellows with sheets (Duplet)

The basis is an ARNO ARNOLD bellows. With our patented fastening system, telescopic panels are either hinged or rigidly connected to the bellows by means of special fastening clamps, depending on t...

Steel telescopic metal plates without bellows (Strapano)

STRAPANO, the innovative protection system from ARNOLD, has all the advantages of a cover with telescopic sheets, but does away completely with bellows in its design.

A functional elemen...

Machine protection cover (Slimcover)

Slimcover machine protection cover, our sustainable space saver

Slimcover is our latest innovation for protective covers in machine tools. The flexible sheet metal cover is...

Telescoping Covers (Arnopure)

ArnoPure, high-performance protective cover in pure form

ArnoPure offers a balance between protective function, high running smoothness and long service life. The space req...

Telescoping Covers (Elegano)

The very slim ELEGANO® protective covers made of telescopic sheets achieve an exceptionally small Lmin when pushed together. Compared to standard covers on the market, the Lmin is reduced by ap...

When safety is required in automation, machine enclosures, i.e. additional protective devices, ar...

ArnoPure offers a balance between protective function, high running smoothness and long service l...

The basis for the Winglet bellows is our Duplet system.

We have s...