
Arno Arnold GmbH

Arno Arnold GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Arno Arnold GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

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Telescoping Covers (Arnopure) by Arno Arnold GmbH

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ArnoPure, high-performance protective cover in pure form

ArnoPure offers a balance between protective function, high running smoothness and long service life. The space required in the collapsed state is more than halved compared to a conventional protective cover with metal sheets. The more efficient use of available installation space enables significant benefits and potential savings in machine design - over and above the significant savings that can already be achieved by using our cost-effective ArnoPure solution.

Arnopure features:
  • highly flexible, modular combination of stainless telescopic plates and high-performance plastic
  • constant, uniform contact pressure - independent of the respective stroke
  • adhesive-, weld- and rivet-free material combination for easy disassembly and recycling
Benefits for our customers:
  • up to 50% lower Lmin/ fold compared to conventional bellows with sheet metal
  • low dead weight increases the acceleration of the axes that can be achieved more processively
  • high resistance to dirt, sharp and hot chips
  • easy disassembly of components and repair without tools
  • separation and recycling of components by type possible

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