
Franke GmbH

Franke GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001

Franke GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001

About Franke GmbH

For over 75 years, Franke has consistently convinced its customers with innovative, highly individualized storage solutions. They are all based on the same principle that Erich Franke invented in 1936.

Erich Franke invented a new type of bearing in 1936 while searching for a particularly space-saving design: the Wire Race Bearing.

Over the years we have consistently enhanced his principle of four race rings. Today our product program includes rotative and linear components – with and without drive. We employ a workforce of  340 at our headquarters in Aalen. We are also represented at many locations throughout the world.
Individual Solutions
The 4-point contact that Erich Franke developed permits a maximum degree of flexibility and hence lays the ideal foundation for individual product solutions. Our customers are at liberty to choose whichever material, geometry, size, bore pattern, gear and sealing they require. An extremely broad range of materials can also be used for the mating structure.

Wire Race Bearings

Franke Wire Race Bearings are delivered either separately as bearing elements (only race rings, rolling elements, cage) or together with the mating structure as ready-to-use bearin...

Wire Race Bearings

Light Weight Bearings by Franke highest performance at minimum weight

By using ultra-lightweight materials and the latest manufacturing techniques, lightweight bearin...

Slewing Bearings

Franke manufactures wire race bearings in any desired diameter between 40 mm and 2000 mm. We supply both individual and series requirements at attractive conditions.

Bearing elements

Ground raceway

Bearing Type:

  • 4 race rings with ground raceways
  • Plastic ball cage with retained balls


Lightweight bearing

Competence in lightweight construction

Thanks to their patented technology, Franke wire-race bearings offer maximum design freedom without compromising load capacity.


Thin section bearings (LSA)

2-ring bearing/profiled raceway

Slim bearings type LSA consist of one inner and one outer race ring with hardened and profiled raceway and a plastic cage with retained ball...

Ball bearings

Franke Wire Race Bearings offer you a broad range of options to construct special bearings customized to suit your individual application, in addition to the standard program.

  • 4-point s...


Wire Race Bearings from Franke. Patented precision.

Our Wire Race Bearings comprise four race rings, balls, a ball cage and, on request, an enclosed construction.

Whisper bearing

The main bearing on the computer tomography machine is one of the elements responsible for ensuring that precise images are delivered. It must run quietly and with low vibrations, even at high spee...

Linear bearings

Linear Systems from Franke. Perfection from principle

Aluminium Linear Systems from Franke are used everywhere where speed and a light-weight construction are needed.


Special Ball Bearings

Bearings from Franke. All extras included

For the use of Franke Wire Race Bearings there are different design possibilities. The development and manufacturing of special be...

Special Solutions

All you need for your product solution with Franke ball bearings is a wire race bearing.

Franke bearing elements offer highly customized solutions and can be integrated directly into your d...

26.03.2024 02:00

No space is not an argument
In the world of bearing technologies, an innovative solution is in the spotlight: the wire race bearing.

Franke GmbH has been headquartered in Obere Bahnstraße in Aalen since 1954. Based on the in...

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