
ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

  • RoHS
  • Reach
  • DIN ISI 9001:2015

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

  • RoHS
  • Reach
  • DIN ISI 9001:2015

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Safety shock absorbers (SCS33 to SCS64) by ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

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Perfect protection for the worst case scenario

As a cheaper alternative to the standard shock absorber, Safety shock absorbers are the tried and tested low cost metrhod of preventing those occasional emergency stops. Designed for occasional use, they primarily serve as reliable, effective protection in emergency stopping for construction designs.

The maintenance-free and ready-to-install machine elements are characterised in every respect by the well-known high ACE quality and maximum energy absorption of up to 480,000 Nm/Cycle. This means, in the product-family SCS33 up to SCS64 a service life of up to 1,000 full load emergency cycles is achieved. Safety shock absorbers from ACE are available in a large choice with strokes of 23 mm to 1,200 mm, and the arrangement of orifice pattern can be calculated and produced specifically to the customer''s requirementr and depending on the application.

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