
ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

  • RoHS
  • Reach
  • DIN ISI 9001:2015

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

  • RoHS
  • Reach
  • DIN ISI 9001:2015

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Safety shock absorbers (SDH38 to SDH63) by ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

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Low reaction forces with long strokes

High Rack Damper, Optimized Characteristic
Energy capacity 3,600 Nm/Cycle to 229,100 Nm/Cycle
Stroke 100 mm to 800 mm

Intelligent protective measure: The safety shock absorbers from the SDH38 to SDH63 product family are also designed for emergency-stop applications. Strokes of up to 1,200 mm are possible with these maintenance-free and ready-to-install dampers. Low support forces result due to the large strokes.

The characteristic curve or damping characteristics of all safety shock absorbers from ACE is individually adjusted to the respective application, specific to the customer. The metering orifices for the respective application are specially calculated and produced. These tailor-made machine elements are the ideal protection because they are less expensive than industrial shock absorbers and are effective with up to 1,000 maximum full load emergency cycles possible.

Anyone who wants to reliably protect the end positions of rack operating equipment, conveyor and crane systems, heavy duty applications and test benches chooses these safety shock absorbers from ACE.

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