


  • FM
  • EHEDG European Hygienic Engineering &
  • Design Group
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • UKCA


  • FM
  • EHEDG European Hygienic Engineering &
  • Design Group

05.05.2016 00:05

1 million times successfully solved level detection

With the right attitude and a great team, anything is possible The UWT GmbH has become one of the world lea

With the right attitude and a great team, anything is possible

The UWT GmbH has become one of the world leading manufacturers of measurement technology for the detection of content and level limit in any kind of bulk materials and solids. Different measurement methods in storage silos, containers or tanks are installed to monitor their content and control it. Applications can be found in food, plastics, wood, rubber, environmental plants and power stations as well as the building materials and chemical industry. Headquarters, development and production facilities are located in Betzigau. Besides UWT is represented in more than 50 countries worldwide and has own sales offices in the US, UK, in China and India.

End of August 2015, it happened: the installation of an RF detector for a considerable cement and lime producer, the 1,000,000th application has been successfully implemented. The RF sensor is the new capacitive level switch of UWT. For the anniversary application the single rod probe was installed as tailback detector within the sand vibrating sieve of the cement plant to prevent that too much material is deposited at the sieve and a further creening/screen out is blocked. The consequence would of a non-working screen could lead to a stuck of material and consequently to a complete stop in production.

Therefore UWT is proud to support the smooth running of facilities with reliable measurement technology for the past 38 years now. The company has successfully demonstrated that a family enterprise can reach a lot with clear principles, dedicated employees and innovative thinking. Reliability, highest quality and flexibility - these are the clear values according to which the model of UWT is aligned.

Since the foundation in 1977 a lot has happened: numerous product developments, a new modern building, global expansion, several employer awards, etc. Included were also economically hard times, bold projects and challenges that demanded some courage. For all that reason Managing Director Uwe Niekrawietz is happy about /pleased the magic number one million and lined out: "To reach this aim was an adventure that shows me that with the right attitude and a great team, everything is possible."

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✩ High-quality measurement technology with exclusive 6-year warranty ✩