
KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH - a German drop forge

KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH - a German drop forge

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • KTA
  • RCCM
  • ABS

KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH - a German drop forge

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • KTA

24.07.2024 05:07

Forged parts from KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH - a German drop forge

Closed die drop forgings of all steel grades including duplex stainless steels, nickel based, titanium and superalloys - Made in Germany of European primal material

forged valve bodies, yokes and flanges, pipe connections, pressure applications like boiler parts, hoists, chain links, eyebolts, hydraulic components, corrosion and acid-resistant parts for chemical and fertiliser industries, hydrogen production, as well as shipbuilding and drill equipment, forged gearwheels/ toothed wheels and rollers

KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH is a highly certified Western German drop forge, located in Hagen (Westphalia) - between the historic "blade & metal” region Solingen and the "soccer city" Dortmund - specialized in small series production of safety-relevant closed die forgings from 200g to 130Kg unit weight of all forgeable steel grades including duplex stainless steels, nickel based, titanium and superalloys according to following standards and certifications:

Pressure⚗️equipment and nuclear☢️power (valves, boilers, piping):

PED 2014/68/EU, AD 2000-W0, ASME/ASTM, KTA, RCC-M

Shipbuilding⚓️, boat building, ocean engineering
  • American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
  • Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore (BV)
  • Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
  • Lloyds Register (LR)
  • Nippon Kaiji Kyōkai (ClassNK)

✴️ Examples are parts and components for corrosive applications like naval ships, boats, ship technology, seawater-suitable, corrosion-resistant components, seawater-resistant, acid-resistant, highly corrosion-resistant forgings for seawater applications, seawater use, seawater desalination, chemical plants, petrochemicals, fertilizer industry, fertilizer production, food technology industry, offshore platforms/ oil rigs, drilling platforms, drills, drill equipment, drilling heads, marine technology, submarines, underwater technology, underwater engineering, shipyard supplies, infrastructure and defense.

✴️ Further examples are components and equipment like brackets, holders, chain links, hoists, lifting hooks, fasteners, pipe connections, pressure-bearing parts, valve parts, tube connectors like fittings, flanges and manifolds or pressurized parts for boiler systems like nozzles or headers. Also, parts and pieces for wagon construction like articulation sockets or plates for buffer systems, parts for special vehicles, military vehicles and more.

corrosion-resistant, non-embrittling, seawater-suitable, leak-proof forgings

The drop forge KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH in Western Germany has decades worth of experience in energy technology:
  • Nuclear forgings for reactor pressure vessels and hydrogen applications
  • Forged valve parts for nuclear and hydrogen technology
  • Forged components for nuclear fission and fusion reactors (ITER project)
  • Non-standard flanges and fittings of stainless steel like F316L or duplex F51
  • Special materials resistant against neutron or hydrogen embrittlement

✴️ KB is also supplier for science projects in the fields of high-energy physics, refrigeration engineering, primary cooling circuits of nuclear power plants and future tritium, deuterium and hydrogen production facilities.

Monel®, Incoloy®, Inconel® are trademarks of Special Metals Corporation, USA, and Hastelloy® is a trademark of Haynes International, USA.

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Forged parts for pressure equipment, fittings, valves, boiler construction, pipeline construction, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, offshore, wind power, energy, chemical plant construction and environmental technology