


  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2000


  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2000

About UESA GmbH

The uesa GmbH is an established medium-sized company of the energy sector with long standing tradition. We plan, fabricate and assemble electrical equipment for the industry and energy supply. Our performance range includes energy distribution systems, cable distributors, transformer stations, low voltage switch systems, medium voltage switch systems up to 24 kV, as well as automation and central control systems and service features in the solar sector. More than 300 employees work in our company for our custonmers.
We create client-oriented solutions from the first common idea, to the development of a meaningful concept up to the fabrication of the product and the delivery logistics. Thereby, we benefit from a wide range of applied technologies and system solutions on site and our established network with other partner companies.
The successful operation in the German market is complemented by an internationalisation of the production and sales activities with focus on Poland, Russia and Mongolia.

Connection PV Installations

Connection PV installations/regenerative energies
We supply direct measures and measuring transformer (half indirect measures) for photovoltaic systems and other regenerative energies up t...

Outdoor Distribution Boxes

Outdoor distribution boxes
Project planning and fabrication of cable distribution boards, meter connection columns, street lighting boards, market place distributors, camping site distribu...

Component assembly

odule assembly
Assembly of modules of individual components using different processes according to your specifications.

Completion of modules by means of:

  • Manual...

Extension Sockets

Power outlet strips for 185 mm busbar system
Our power outlet strips can be plugged in market places distributors, fair ground distributors, cable distributors, as well as in special appli...

Camping Site and Market Place Distributors

Camping site and market place distributors
We fabricate distributors for you for market places, fair ground, campings or marinas according to the corresponding DIN/IEEE. You have the choic...

Street Lighting Distributor

Street lighting distributor
Uesa GmbH produces boards and columns for street lighting according to the technical connection conditions of the corresponding distribution system operator. Th...

Low Voltage Switchgears

Low voltage systems
Planning, project planning and fabrication of automation and low voltage switch systems in mounting plate construction and enclosed construction for buildings and indus...

Medium Voltage Switchgears

Air-insulated medium voltage systems
The metal-enclosed air-insulated switch systems of type MSA-L up to 24 kV are universally applicable both in energy supply system and industrial applic...

Medium Voltage Switchgears

Medium voltage systems
Planning and fabrication of air-insulated medium voltage switch systems and medium voltage switch devices, as well as planning and secondary technical assembly of SF...

Low Voltage Switchboards

Low voltage systems in mounting plate constructions
The low voltage systems are applicable in power grids as well as in industrial systems.

Technical data:

Low Voltage Switchboards

Low voltage systems in board layout
In the area low voltage distributions in board layout, you have the choice between different board systems of well-known manufacturers. These are produc...

Low Voltage Switchboards (UE20)

Low voltage systems in closed construction–model series UE20
The low voltage systems of the model series UE20 are applicable for power grids, as well as for industrial systems. Due to the...