


  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2000


  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2000

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Medium Voltage Switchgears by UESA GmbH

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Air-insulated medium voltage systems
The metal-enclosed air-insulated switch systems of type MSA-L up to 24 kV are universally applicable both in energy supply system and industrial applications. The switch systems MSA-L are type-tested according to the current standard DIN EN 62271-200 and thus comply with the requirements for a safe and reliable operation. The arc fault resistance of the switchboard sections was successfuly proven according to the IAC-AFL 20 kA; 1 s in a certified test facility.
The switch systems are developed and built for the application under normal operating conditions for interiors according to DIN EN 62271-1. Due to the modular construction, they can be delivered in individual fields or as switch systems, whereby their equipment, field sequence etc, can be chosen specifically. The switch systems are certified according to the European IEC EN, as well as the Russian GOST standard.

In the download area, you will find an overview of our switchboard section versions. More switch and equipment versions are available upon request.

Compact measuring field
For the application in relation to SF6 isolated switch systems, we offer you the compact air-insulated medium voltage measuring field MSA-L up to 24 kV. You will receive further information in the data sheet available for download.

Other equipment versions are available upon request. We create an individual offer for you.

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