
Kemper System GmbH & Co. KG

Kemper System GmbH & Co. KG

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO 45001:2018
  • REACh

Kemper System GmbH & Co. KG

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO 45001:2018

About Kemper System GmbH & Co. KG

KEMPER SYSTEM, headquartered in Germany, specialises in liquid-applied waterproofing and coating systems based on polyurethane or polyester resins.

With the KEMPEROL product range the company provides reliable waterproofing for flat roofs, balconies, terracess, parking decks and bridges.

Thick coating (KEMPERDUR HB)

Product information

Fields of application
Coating system for higher stresses in interior and exterior areas. Due to layer thicknesses of 3 mm (±1 mm) suitable f...

Balcony waterproofing (Kemperdur TC)

Universal utility and protective coating for mechanically stressed surfaces such as parking decks, driveways, arcades, balconies, terraces. Also suitable for interior use as a coating for sales are...

Repair coating (Kemperol RepairFix LV)

For new construction and repairs.

As a repair measure in case of leaks. On bituminous substrates, metals, plastics (not PE/PP and polystyrene insulation boards), roof tiles and mineral subs...

Primer solvent-free (KEMPERTEC EP)

The roof structure consists of individual, interconnected, square reinforced concrete elements. Each element is concavely curved and is supported by a central support pillar. To protect the buildin...

Roof waterproofing (KEMPEROL Roof Patch)

As a repair measure in case of leaks. For flat and sloping surfaces.

At +23 °C and max. 50 % humidity

  • Working time 90 minutes
  • rainproof after 2...

Dome Lights (Kemperol FALLSTOP)

Transparent coating to provide fall-through protection for standard weathered and non-weathered skylight domes made of PMMA, PC, PETG, GRP (also suitable for SHEVS skylight domes), which are proper...

Primer for damp substrates and metal sheets (KEMCO POX 2K)

Product information

Fields of application
As a primer for dry and moist ceramic and mineral substrates as well as for stainless steel, aluminum, structural steel and t...

Protective agents for buildings (Kempertec EP)

Suitable as repair mortar or scratch filler in combination with KEMPERTEC EP primer, KEMPERTEC EP5 primer or KEMPERTEC AC primer. Also ideal for reprofiling as well as on concrete, screed, waterpro...

Cargo securing coating (Kemperdur Lasi)

Base coating for the creation of a load securing coating for loading areas on transport vehicles.

At +23 °C and max. 50 % humidity:

Working time approx. 3...

KEMPEROL 1K-SF - the liquid applied waterproofing for the highest demands.


31.01.2023 01:00

Sealing ingeniously solved!

Waterproofing with KEMPEROL liquid waterproofing is a clean affair. This is because KEMPEROL wate...

The radioactive gas radon is the largest contributor to radiation exposure worldwide. Formed by t...