
Kemper System GmbH & Co. KG

Kemper System GmbH & Co. KG

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO 45001:2018
  • REACh

Kemper System GmbH & Co. KG

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO 45001:2018

07.01.2022 15:01

Safe thanks to radon resistance With KEMPEROL also defying radiation

The radioactive gas radon is the largest contributor to radiation exposure worldwide. Formed by the decay of uranium, it is found everywhere in the air. Especially inside houses it shows its highest concentration. For about 10% of all German houses, an elevated radon concentration poses serious problems - the health consequence is an increased risk of cancer.

Since leaking foundations and cracks in particular are the cause of the gas spreading inside the house, there are KEMPEROL products that prevent just that.

Durable protection for home and health.

ISO EN DIN 17025:2018 proves that KEMPEROL AC Speed and KEMPERTEC EP5 primer in combination with KEMPEROL 2K-PUR are radon-resistant, meaning that they actively prevent radon diffusion. Jointless waterproofing closes the permeability of floor slabs. Thus, penetration of the gas through leaky basement floors and walls is prevented. The certificate confirms that the products dynamically bridge and thus seal cracks and joints.

Thus, KEMPER SYSTEM again offers various technical solutions for new construction and renovation.

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KEMPEROL 1K-SF - the liquid applied waterproofing for the highest demands.


31.01.2023 01:00

Sealing ingeniously solved!

Waterproofing with KEMPEROL liquid waterproofing is a clean affair. This is because KEMPEROL wate...