
MikroBiotiX e.U.

  • Distributor
  • Austria

MikroBiotiX e.U.

  • Distributor
  • Austria

MikroBiotiX e.U.

  • Distributor
  • Austria

About MikroBiotiX e.U.

Effective microorganisms, i.e. biocultures of photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and ferment-active fungi, have a positive influence on humans, animals, water and soil quality. The products of our brand partner MikroBiotiX have a particularly high concentration of these little helpers. Effective microorganisms can be used in all areas of life - in the household as well as for garden care and promoting the health of humans and animals. By using this natural technology, you actively contribute to environmental protection and health care.

31.07.2024 00:00

MikroBiotiX e.U.

MikroBiotiX e.U. is a company that uses effective microorganisms in a natural, biological and saf...