
MikroBiotiX e.U.

MikroBiotiX e.U.

MikroBiotiX e.U.

31.07.2024 00:00

MikroBiotiX e.U.

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MikroBiotiX e.U. is a company that uses effective microorganisms in a natural, biological and safe way. MikroBiotiX regulates the intestinal flora and promotes physical well-being. The microorganisms of MikroBiotiX are of crucial importance for the health of humans, animals and nature. The versatile application possibilities of MikroBiotiX range from health promotion to garden care and environmental protection. Effective microorganisms help to regulate the intestinal flora and strengthen the health of humans and animals.

The MikroBiotix Power Boost offers a natural way to increase well-being without having to resort to synthetic preparations or dietary supplements. Effective microorganisms can help to support the balance in the body.

MikroVeda for ponds and aquariums improves water quality and creates optimal conditions for plants and animals. Effective microorganisms can also be used in agriculture to improve soil quality and increase yields.

In the home, natural bacterial flora can suppress harmful germs. MikroBiotiX products stand for top quality and contain a high concentration of effective microorganisms that have a positive effect on humans, animals, water and soil.

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Grünbach am Schneeberg

Neusiedler Straße 25 2733 Grünbach am Schneeberg