
Ulbrich GmbH

Ulbrich GmbH

Ulbrich GmbH

About Ulbrich GmbH

Ulbrich started abaout 60 years ago with the production of hydraulic components. Later on we developed and produced hydraulic presses and special hydraulic machinery. Today Ulbrich is a leading manufacturer in force- and positioning monitoring assembly presses as well as test presses. Highly qualified technicians solve your questions and select the most qualified solution for your problem! ULBRICH presses enable you to perform assembling and testing functions with your demanding quality. Our international alignment as well as the combination of creative and intelligent solutions are the basis for a successful and future-oriented cooperation.

Buffer test machine

Our Buffer Test Machines are based on the OEM specifications, the National Railway Regulationss and/or in accordance to the European Norm EN 15551, testing of static characteristics of buffers.

Wire Rope Testing Machines

Test machine for life time test, wearing quality, bending resitance and slippage on wire ropes.

Edge Force Measuring and Lifting Equipment

The lifting equipment consists of two mobile boogies. Integrated within the superstructure is a hydraulic power pack which drives the two hydraulic cylinders. The cylinders are situated in the highly...