
Propagroup S.P.A.

Propagroup S.P.A.

  • ISO 9001

Propagroup S.P.A.

  • ISO 9001

About Propagroup S.P.A.

Propagroup is a company specialized in design, production and distribution of packing products and systems and it has been working in the market for more than forty years. Propagroup started off business in the distribution of traditional packing products and has continued to evolve since then. Treasuring the experience built up in this field, Propagroup has continued specializing in the field of safety packing, which is suitable for protection of every kind of product under the severest transport and storage conditions.

Humidity Indicator (Propasecard)

PROPADRY es el nuevo sistema que Propack ha desarrollado para neutralizar la formación de condensación en el container o en ambientes cerrados y proteger, de esta forma, la calidad de los productos de...

Desiccant Bag (Propasec)

When it is essential to prevent the circulation of moisture, Propagroup desiccant bags represent the most practical and flexible solution, since they are capable of absorbing and neutralizing the humi...

Desiccants for container (Propadry)

PROPADRY is one of the new and revolutionary systems designed by Propack to neutralize the formation of condensate inside closed environments, thus protecting the quality of your products. PROPADRY dr...

Dunnage Bags (Propablank)

PROPABLANK dunnage bags are the perfect and economic solution to solve the problem of load unsteadiness during road transport and in freight containers. PROPABLANK are developed with high quality raw...

Anticorrosive pill bag (Propatech VCI)

PROPATECH VCI PILL BAGS are VCI integrators in bags, containing mini PROPATECH VCI TABLETS to protect metals against corrosion inside packagings. They are able to rapidly spread the VCI molecules into...

Anticorrosive tablets (Propatech VCI)

PROPATECH VCI TABLETS are tablets of compressed VCI powder mixed with crystals that reduce fragility. The active VCI product has an extremely high concentration, equal to 85/90%. PROPATECH VCI TABLETS...

Slip Sheets (Propasheet)

PROPASHEET is a Slip Sheet made in Compact Fiber and it is the winning solution to reduce the volumes, weights and the costs in all dispatch, storage and handling operations. PROPASHEET costs 4-5 time...

Ring for coil protection (Proparing)

PROPARING is a plastic ring specially designed to permit safe handling while simultaneously avoiding damage such as dents or scoring in the innermost wraps of the handled steel roll. During internal h...