
GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH

GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Mitglied in der Umweltallianz Sachsen
  • DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Mitglied in der Umweltallianz Sachsen
  • DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

About GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH

The GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH was founded in 1991. The company has 12 employees and operates worldwide. In 2001 the sales amount to 1.5 Mio. Euros. The company's main focus is the environmentally-orientated recycling of used mercury and various waste products containing mercury. The aim is to recover this mercury as a raw material, to clean it and to return it to the economy as mercury of the highest purity. Additionally the company began successful vacuum-treatment and immobilization of naturally radioactive slurries and residues containing mercury as well as with the production of precious metal concentrates out of waste products and residues containing precious metals. In Leipzig GMR operates 4 BImSchG (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz) approved vacuum-recycling plants varying sizes including the largest vacuum recycling pant in the world with a capacity of 3 m³. Currently between 500-1000 kg/d of waste products can be recycled at this facility. Based on our years of experience the GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH is a sought-out partner in this field.

Mercury recycling

Mercury recycling

Recycling of Mercury-Containing Waste

The vacuum-thermal demercurisation process

The vacuum-thermal processing used in demercurisation requires a sealed enclosure in charging operation. The mercury held within the waste is t...

Mercury recycling

Mercury recycling

Mercury (7439-97-6)

Proven suitable for use in chlorine-alkali-electrolysis, the thermometer industry, the production of fluorescent light bulbs, batteries and button cells, the manufacture of pressure gauges (e.g.: r...

Amalgam Recycling Services

Excess amalgam, amalgam sludge from separators, amalgamated alloy powders

Metal/Mercury Disposal

Utilization / disposal of waste products containing mercury, for example:

Steel rectifiers, ring balances (scales), water gauges, steam volume gauges, ignitrons, remote thermometers, button...

Glass/Mercury Disposal

Utilization / disposal of waste products containing mercury, for example:

Thermometers, barometers, electrical relays, switches, pressure gauges, blood pressure gauges, transmitter valves,...

Plast/paper/mercury disposal

Utilization / disposal of waste products containing mercury, for example:

Absorption materials, filter papers, protective clothing, equipment

Precious metal recycling

Production of precious metal concentrates out of selected waste products and residues containing precious metals

Selenium (7782-49-2)

Selenium (7782-49-2)