
GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH

GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Mitglied in der Umweltallianz Sachsen
  • DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Mitglied in der Umweltallianz Sachsen
  • DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

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Recycling of Mercury-Containing Waste by GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH

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The vacuum-thermal demercurisation process

The vacuum-thermal processing used in demercurisation requires a sealed enclosure in charging operation. The mercury held within the waste is then evaporated at temperatures ranging between 340°C and 650°C and pressures of just a few millibar, and recovered in crude form after condensation at lower temperatures. Organic components are oxidized as required in an oxygen-rich burning chamber at temperatures ranging from 800°C to 1000°C. The residue which remains at the end of the vacuum-thermal process is essentially mercury-free and depending on its composition is either recycled or disposed of safety. The crude mercury recovered is then refined to the highest quality via a multi-stage cleaning process and brought to market.

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