
Quantum Design GmbH

Quantum Design GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Quantum Design GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

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Optical Filters by Quantum Design GmbH

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For more than 35 years, we have been selling optical filters for various applications and wavelength ranges, starting in the VUV (120 nm) to UV/VIS (193 nm – 700 nm), NIR (700 – 2000 nm) to MIR filters in the range of 2 µm – 20 µm. Apart from high-quality standard bandpass filters for the full spectral range from the UV to the MIR, Andover Corp., one of the leading filter manufacturers, produces individual customized filters with FWHMs as small as 0.15 nm. Special filters for Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy are another category widely used in biology, chemistry and the life sciences. Beside the classic filters, more and more highly transmissive and power resistant filters of the ET series (extend transmission) are used in these fields. Last but not least we offer a completely new range of highly transmissive (Tx>70%) and power resistant UV (220 nm – 400 nm) filters allowing applications considered impossible only 5 years ago.

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