
SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH

SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH

SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH

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Swimming Pool Solar Panel (BADU BK 250/370) by SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH

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The BADU solar panels are available in two versions to make it easier to calculate the area required for optimal pool warmth: The BADU BK 250 and BADU BK 370 vary in space, weight and flow rate.

The size used depends on the size of the pool, available solar exposure, wind factors, average temperatures of the region and the collector's orientation and angle. For existing pool covers the rule of thumb is approximately 0.7 m² solar panel surface per square meter of pool surface. Panels can be installed on all types of roofing with little or no pitch including out-buildings such as garages and sheds.

The amortisation period for the BADU BK solar panels is less than three years. Your swimming pool dealer can help you evaluate your optimal solar energy requirements

The sun's endless supply of free energy is the most efficient and economical way to heat your pool.

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