
SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH

SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH

SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH

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Swimming Pool Water Circulation Pump (BADU Resort) by SPECK Pumpen Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH

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True to its name, the easy to maintain BADU Resort's area of expertise are hotels, resorts and health clubs with large pools and attractions such as massage baths, splash showers, fountains and waterfalls as well as large private pools. Traditionally, these applications are usually served by expensive, heavy-duty bronze and cast-iron pumps but the BADU Resort is a pump with a deeper purpose in mind. Thanks to our state-of-the-art reinforced fibreglass plastic, investment costs are dramatically reduced without affecting its prolonged life and superior performance.
Field of application:
Swimming pool water circulation through a filter system. The pump can be installed max. 3 m above or below water level.

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