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Most modern processing warrants for good taste, freshness and finest quality!
Chanterelles, King Bolets, various Forest- and Cultivated Mushrooms, Marone Mushrooms, Nameko Mushrooms, Shiitake, Yellow boletus, Oyster Mushrooms - Lingonberries and Blueberries.
Available Mushroom Mixtures:
- 'Economy': fine mixed mushrooms (Oyster Mushrooms, Yellow Boletus, Nameko Mushrooms, sliced Champignons III)
- 'Gastronomy': fine mixed mushrooms (Oyster Mushrooms, Yellow Boletus, Nameko Mushrooms)
- 'Nature': mixture of forest mushrooms for gourmets (Yellow Boletus, King Bolets, Marone Mushrooms)
- 'Exclusive': fine mixed mushrooms (Nameko Mushrooms, Oyster Mushrooms, Yellow Boletus, Shiitake, Marone Mushrooms, Chanterelles)