
Düsterloh Fluidtechnik GmbH

Düsterloh Fluidtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Düsterloh Fluidtechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

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Valve assemblies by Düsterloh Fluidtechnik GmbH

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Valve assemblies for hydraulic motors
Valves are used to control and regulate hydraulic motors. In view of increasing automation, sophisticated valve control is becoming increasingly important. We have a wide range of valve assemblies for the large number of applications. The valve assemblies are mounted directly on our motors. This allows direct control of the motors and is particularly suitable for applications where very good control is required. All motors in our delivery program are suitable in the A1 version for mounting sub-bases with or without shock protection.

As standard, we distinguish between four variants:

1. subplates for valve assembly with standardized port patterns without pressure limitation.

Subplates for valve assembly DN6/DN10 according to DIN24340 (ISO 4401 - CETOP - RP121H) and DN8 according to ISO 10372-4.

Combinations with integrated brake control are available.

2. subplates for valve assembly with standardized port patterns with pressure relief MHDB16.

Valve assembly with pressure relief and feed > 1.5 bar by 2 pressure feed valves MHDB16K2-2x420VFB (pmax. = 420 bar, Qmax. = 100 l/min). The integrated feed check valves open from 1.5 bar. In order to prevent a feed-out, the feed pressure at port "E" must be higher, or an additional protection by an external check valve at port "E" is recommended. Combinations with variant 1 available.

3. subplates for valve assembly with standardized port patterns with DBDS10 pressure relief.

Valve assembly with pressure relief and supply >0.1 bar by 2 direct operated pressure valves DBDS10K1x/315bar (pmax. = 315 bar, Qmax. = 80l/min). The separate feed check valves open at >0.1 bar.
Combinations with variant 1 are also available.

4. sub-bases for valve assembly with standardized port patterns with DDP16 pressure relief.

Valve assembly with pressure relief and supply > 0.1 bar through a pilot operated double pressure valve DDP16ENxxx (pmax. = 480 bar, Qmax. = 400 l/min) or DDP32ENxxx (pmax. = 480 bar, Qmax. = 700 l/min). The valve pressure setting applies to both directions of rotation. The valve with leakage line "L3" always works against the leakage pressure.
Combinations with variant 1 are available, on request also with valve bodies > DN10.

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