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Universal scaffolding shoe by Stingl Systems GmbH

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Plug-in anchor scaffold shoe

In addition to the plug-in anchor scaffold shoe, the universal scaffold shoe is a safe and reinforced scaffold support in the area of lift, chimney and ventilation shafts. Due to the small external dimensions of the scaffold shoe, even an attachment deep in the shaft corners is possible. Its low weight ensures easy handling.

Material: Base plate and U-profile made of St37-2 (partly with inserted flat steel), surface primed, optionally galvanized
Dimensions: 190 x 180 x 6 mm, base plate with 4 holes 13 mm
Weight: approx. 2,3 kg

The universal scaffold shoe has been certified by the Fachausschuss Bau, Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle Karlsruhe, in accordance with the principles for testing the safety at work of scaffolds, scaffold components and scaffold-like equipment (GS-BAU-01) (1.1994), according to DIN 4420-1 (12.1990) as well as according to BGR 175 (BG rules "Scaffolding - Assembly scaffolding in lift shafts") the certificate number 02045 was assigned.

The universal scaffold shoe has a wide range of possible uses. The type of fastening ranges from dowel fastening in concreted and masonry shafts to bolting to an anchor rail and bolting or welding to steel scaffolding. Depending on the type of fastening, a point load of max. 3.0 to 7.0 kN is given. This scaffold shoe is not intended for dynamic loads.a scantling width of at least 100 mm must be ensured.

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