
Stingl Systems GmbH

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Pit ladder (Type E) by Stingl Systems GmbH

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Folding ladder

For the use of the folding ladder type E, a shaft depth of at least 1450 mm is required. When fully unfolded and automatically locked, the ladder has a vertical height of approx. 2200 mm. The ladder rungs are pressed together with the ladder uprights and are grooved to prevent slipping. Outer ladder width approx. 350 mm, rung spacing 280 mm, ALU rectangular stiles 58x25 mm. Fastening material is supplied with the ladder.

The ladder can be optionally supplemented with height-adjustable stile extensions at the upper ladder end. The ladder is attached to the door sill by pulling up a knotted chain (approx. 3 m long) attached to the shaft wall. The ladder is then automatically locked and finally hooked into the groove of the door sill. After use, the ladder is unhooked by lifting it slightly, the steel joint is unlocked by pulling a traction rope attached to the ladder and the folding ladder is brought into the resting position by lowering it.

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