
Stingl Systems GmbH

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Scaffoldless Platform (Stingl-mobil STANDART) by Stingl Systems GmbH

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Lengthwise telescopic working platform made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic (GRP), which can be used for work in shafts. Stingl-mobil can be installed at any shaft door opening, regardless of the floor height. The working platform is particularly suitable for the installation of machine room-less lifts with the drive unit in the shaft head as well as for assembly, service and maintenance work.


  • A GS mark (BAU 01071) issued by the Employer's Liability Insurance Association guarantees a safe and accepted solution. Compared to conventional wooden scaffold platforms, both variants are based on tested statics.
  • The telescoping capability allows work with one solution at different shaft depths.
  • The requirement for one-man assembly is met by the extremely moderate weight of the scaffolding elements (heaviest assembly weighs approx. 24 kg).
  • Scaffolding erection does not have to be contracted out to a third party, thus saving time and effort in coordination.
  • Considerable cost savings compared to conventional wooden scaffolding due to reusability.
  • Fast, flexible and thus economical installation of the scaffold platform is achieved by eliminating the need for costly substructures.
  • The modular construction allows the use of a single or double-storey working platform.
  • Defined material properties of GRP such as high load capacity, high impact strength, durability, low weight, high corrosion resistance as well as electrical insulation show the advantages compared to conventional materials such as wood, steel or aluminium.
  • Short assembly time: approx. 90 minutes with trained personnel.

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