
Janitza electronics GmbH

Janitza electronics GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Janitza electronics GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

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Peak Demand Management System (UMG 508Emax) by Janitza electronics GmbH

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Peak demand management up to 32 load shedding stages / 5 nominal values.

Reduce power peaks intelligently
  • Constant logging of all electrical parameters
  • Integrated, intelligent control algorithms calculate the active power trend and compare this with the preset target active power
  • Accurate intervention in the operating process
  • Short-term switching off of non-critical loads per user stipulations
  • If feedback processing is connected, only loads which are using power at the time of the calculation are switched off or integrated in the trend value calculation
  • Advantage: Avoidance of cost-intensive power peaks and indication of cost saving potentials

Power analyser UMG 508 as basic equipment
  • The UMG 508 is used as a basic device
  • Features of the UMG 508:
    Multifunction device
    Determination of load conditions of the electrical supply equipment for the avoidance of overloading
  • Measurement and storage of all electrical variables including current and power values
    Visualisation of the maximum monitor measured values via the device homepage
    Includes system software GridVis®-Basic
    Detailed information regarding the UMG 508 in chapter 02

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