
E+E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H.

E+E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H.

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001
  • IATF 16949

E+E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H.

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 14001
  • IATF 16949

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Measuring Tool Calibrating Services (Humidity Calibration Kit) by E+E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H.

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The humidity transmitters as all other measuring instruments shall be periodically checked and eventually adjusted. The most simple solution for this purpose is the E+E Humidity Calibration Kit.

The E+E Humidity Calibration Kit is a cost effective solution for calibrating humidity measuring instruments with sensing probes Ø 10-12 mm (0.4-0.47 inch). It is very easy to use and it does not require highly qualified technical staff. The kit consists of a humidity calibration chamber and a choice of E+E Humidity Standard Sets. 

Humidity Standards

The E+E Humidity Standards are non-saturated salt solutions available in sets of five or fifty single-use ampoules, which may be stored an indefinite time. The salt solutions are non-harmful, handling them does not require specific safety measures. Safety data sheet is available upon request. Each E+E Humidity Standard Set is supplied with a traceable calibration certificate, issued by the Austrian National Metrology Institute (NMI).

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