
Hans Körber GmbH

Hans Körber GmbH

  • AD2000 W0
  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • PED 2014/68/EU
  • DNV GL

Hans Körber GmbH

  • AD2000 W0
  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • PED 2014/68/EU

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Vessel heads - caps by Hans Körber GmbH

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Dimensional range
Ø diameter: 21.3mm to 610.0mm
Wall thickness: 2.0mm to 30.0mm

EN 10253-2 (Type A/B)

S 235 (1.0038)
P265GH (1.0425)
16Mo3 (1.5415)
13CrMo4-5 (1.7335)
10CrMo9-10 (1.7380)
P355 N/NH/NL1/NL2 (1.0562/1.0565/1.0566/1.1106)
WPB; WP5; WP11; WP22;

other materials on request

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Dimension range
Ø diameter: 21.3mm to 406.4mm
Wall thickness: 3.0mm to 8.0mm

DIN 10253-1