
LK Metallwaren GmbH

LK Metallwaren GmbH

  • EN ISO 9001:2015

LK Metallwaren GmbH

  • EN ISO 9001:2015

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Air purification systems for manufacturing and production halls (LRA 100) by LK Metallwaren GmbH

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Protect your personnel effectively against pathogens!

Industrially used rooms, especially production halls or warehouses, are also places where transmissions of infections with health-threatening viruses, bacteria or germs can take place at any time. The LK Air Purifier LRA 100 provides highly effective protection for the personnel who work there.

A three-stage filter system ensures that the hall air is cleaned of microparticles (which include all pathogens) in addition to coarse and fine particles. With a purification level of 99.995 percent, the clean air quality of operating rooms or laboratories is achieved.

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