
ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

  • RoHS
  • Reach
  • DIN ISI 9001:2015

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

  • RoHS
  • Reach
  • DIN ISI 9001:2015

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Industrial Gas Springs (GST-40 Tandem) by ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

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Industrial Gas Springs – Push Type

Optimised dual force for heavy flaps and wide angle applications
Valve Technology
Extension force 300 N to 5,000 N
Stroke 50 mm to 400 mm

Cover two differing force ranges: Tandem push type gas springs by ACE are maintenance-free and ready-to-install with two pressure tubes with different extension forces and progression curves. With this type of gas spring you cover the different force ranges between the start and end of an application. These force ranges are adjusted and compliment each other, designed individually for the relevant application by the free of charge ACE calculation service, then are specifically manufactured adjusted precisely to the required dynamics of the application.

The customer specific systems, for which there are many fitting parts, are specifically suitable for heavy loads with large opening angle and can also be delivered in stainless steel versions.

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