
ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

  • RoHS
  • Reach
  • DIN ISI 9001:2015

ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

  • RoHS
  • Reach
  • DIN ISI 9001:2015

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Miniature Shock Absorbers (MA30 to MA900) by ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH

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Miniature Shock Absorbers

Stepless adjustment
Energy capacity 3.5 Nm/Cycle to 100 Nm/Cycle
Stroke 8 mm to 40 mm

The miniature shock absorbers from the MA30 to MA900 product family can be adjusted and precisely adapted to your requirements. For example, the MA150 displays the rolling diaphragm technology from the MC150 to MC600 family and offers all of the advantages of this technology, such as use in pressure chambers. Thanks to long strokes (including 40 mm on the MA900) lower reaction forces result, which provide a soft damping characteristic.

All variations of these units are maintenance-free, ready-to-install machine elements and have an integrated positive stop. They provide the best service where application data changes, where the calculation parameters are not clear or where maximum flexibility in the possible usage is required.

The adjustable miniature shock absorbers from ACE can be used to meet precisly the customer's application and are therefore found everywhere in mechanical engineering and many other applications.

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