GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH
GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH
Special technology for sludge treatment by GMR Gesellschaft für Metallrecycling mbH
In 2002 the GMR introduced a new developed vacuum recycling plant for the demercurisation of residues and naturally radioactive slurries containing mercury taken from the natural gas industry. This plant provides dust free treatment of these waste products through the entire process. As they have been designed for mobility, they can also be operated by clients locally. The plant works in charging operation with a capacity of approximately 1 t/d. The demercurisation takes place in a vacuum sealed, double wall heated mixer, using thermal oil with a maximum temperature of 340 °C as the heating medium. For dust separation a high efficient vapour filter is used. Via fractional distillation separate recovery of water and contaminated samples (hydrocarbons/mercury) is possible. The cooling/conditioning of the demercurisated residue then takes place in an integrated cooling mixer connected via vacuum to the heating mixer. For the withdrawal of the mineral residues a discharge screw is used. The intensive mixing during distillation guaranties an optimal energy exchange and provides short energy saving processes