


  • ISO 9001:2015


  • ISO 9001:2015

12.04.2023 11:04

FLUX - Employer of the future

FLUX-GERÄTE GMBH was awarded the seal "Employer of the Future

Future orientation and quality as an employer - for this, FLUX was awarded the "Employer of the Future" prize by the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization (DIND). The initiative is supported by the former Federal Minister of Economics Brigitte Zypries. The award helps companies position themselves in the "war for talents" in order to attract and retain talent despite a shortage of skilled workers. The award honors innovative companies with a clear digitization strategy that pursue sustainability goals and offer attractive working conditions.

The focus is on modern leadership and employee friendliness. For example, flat hierarchies, flexible compensation models or employee benefits, as well as individual training and development opportunities, are included in a holistic picture that is created using an evaluation matrix that was developed with the help of input from experts from business and academia. The awards are presented at various networking events.

About DIND:

The German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitization (DIND) helps companies become fit for the future. To this end, DIND cooperates with experts from business, science and politics, conducts studies on behalf of partners and examines companies for important aspects of their future viability. Examples of successful transformation are intended to provide important impetus for the economy. DIND awards are a valuable communication tool for companies. They help to find suitable partners and employees to become even more innovative, sustainable and digital.

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