
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

About SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH

SPECTRO is one of the worldwide leading suppliers of analytical instruments for optical emission and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. As a member of the AMETEK Materials Analysis Division, SPECTRO manufactures advanced instruments, develops the best solutions for strongly varying applications, and provides exemplary customer service. SPECTRO’s products are exemplified by unique technical capabilities that deliver measureable benefits to the customer. From its foundation in 1979 until today, more than 30,000 analytical instruments have been delivered to customers around the world.

Mobile Metal Analyzer (SPECTRO iSORT)

The SPECTRO iSORT is a battery-powered, hand-held spectrometer for on-site identification and analysis of all common metal alloys. It uses an efficient arc excitation and requires neither argon nor a...

Metal Analyzers (SPECTROMAXx)

The SPECTROMAXx is used mainly for material testing in foundries and for incoming and outgoing inspections in the metal industry around the world. It determines all of the elements used in the metal i...

Metal Analyzers (SPECTROLAB)

The SPECTROLAB’s worldwide success is based mainly on the analytical function of the group of components made up of source, optic and readout system. Surpassing the operational potential and flexibili...

ICP-MS Spectrometer (SPECTRO MS)

Das SPECTRO MS ist ein doppelt fokussierendes Sektorfeld-Massenspektrometer in Mattauch-Herzog-Geometrie mit neuentwickelter Ionenoptik und bahnbrechender Detektortechnologie. Es bietet als einziges G...


The SPECTROBLUE is a compact, midrange ICP-OES solution that brings a new level of performance to routine laboratory analysis. It is available in three rugged, ultra-reliable versions. The SPECTROBLUE...


The SPECTRO GENESIS offers a real economic alternative to sequential ICP and Atomic Absorption spectrometers, enabling those who are unfamiliar with ICP to profit from the advantages of leading CCD IC...


Its appearance alone sends out a definite signal: The SPECTRO ARCOS is different from conventional ICP-OES. The prominent left side of the instrument houses the unique optical system – a major develop...

XRF Spectrometer (SPECTRO xSORT)

The SPECTRO xSORT handheld analyzer is ideal for applications, including positive material identification (PMI) and environmental screening, recycling of alloys, precious metals, and aluminum, plus mi...


The SPECTROSCOUT energy-dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) analyzer incorporates much of the analytical power of top-grade laboratory benchtop analyzers, while approaching the easy portability of...

XRF Spectrometer (SPECTRO MIDEX)

Now in its third generation, the SPECTRO MIDEX X-ray fluorescence spectrometer has developed into an all-round talent for the fast, non-destructive analysis of small spots and the rapid mapping of lar...

XRF Spectrometer (SPECTRO iQ II)

For many applications the measurement precision of major components and the sensitivity for important trace elements place the SPECTRO iQ II into the same performance class as the much more expensive...