
Domineer Mettech Company

Domineer Mettech Company

Domineer Mettech Company

About Domineer Mettech Company

Domineer Mettech Company is a world-leading developer and manufacturer of advanced metal powder and special alloys. We at DMC, using advanced and innovative production technologies and offering the best and highest quality Metal Powder.

Sounds boring?? Of course, because it is not exactly what you wanted to know about us.

The all you really want to know is the material and quality of metal powders that will be done in time and the budget-constraint. So, it’s our responsibility to give you the best Metal Powder in your time limits and at the most reliable price. We are dead serious about the deadlines!

25.03.2025 00:00

Metal powders and castings

We make the industrial process more efficient, profitable and safer by providing the highest qual...