
Hans Brölhorst GmbH & Co. KG

Hans Brölhorst GmbH & Co. KG

Hans Brölhorst GmbH & Co. KG

About Hans Brölhorst GmbH & Co. KG

We, Hans Brölhorst GmbH & Co. KG, are one of the leading system suppliers primarily for the furniture industry but also partly for the automotive industry. The group was founded in 1980 in Kirchlengern in East Westphalia and supplies Europe-wide. The extensive product range includes fittings, fastenings and other components for furniture production. We are aware of our social responsibility and are guided by the highest ethical principles and principles of sustainable production. The focus is on perfectly packaged furniture technology and its quality. We are committed to introducing new technologies that lead to energy savings and reduced emissions. It increasingly supports environmental protection. The corporate culture is based on solid core values ​​that have accompanied the company since its founding. Because we know that if our customers are well prepared for the future, then so are we. That is why “technology packaged correctly” is our promise and motto.

Packaging of furniture fittings

Ideal implementation in your production processes.

Common packaging formats and types of packaging are welcome. We manufacture solutions according to your requirements with customized impri...


Ganz gleich ob für Holz, Glas-, Spiegel- oder Dünntüren, Aluminiumrahmentüren, 4-seitige Gehrungstüren oder Falztüren, ob mit Griff oder grifflos, ein- oder aufliegend...