
Uniex Courier Services

  • Service Provider
  • India

Uniex Courier Services

  • Service Provider
  • India

Uniex Courier Services

  • Service Provider
  • India

About Uniex Courier Services

Uniex International Courier Services India, also recognized as Uniex, emerges as a pivotal contender in the International parcel service domain, showcasing an illustrious 18-years heritage. Our steadfast dedication to supremacy is underscored by our ISO 9001-2015 validation, and we take satisfaction in serving as the official courier collaborator for prestigious occasions like the USA Global Tamil Conference and UKAT.

Situated in Chennai, India, we extend direct services to prominent global hubs, encompassing New York, USA; London, UK; Australia; Canada; Europe; Singapore; Malaysia; Dubai; Hong Kong, with extensive global reach spanning 220 nations. Our commitment to delivering prompt, dependable, and economically viable logistics solutions is complemented by a resilient online tracking mechanism for the ease of our esteemed clientele.

Uniex International Courier Services India has a global presence, with offices strategically positioned in important locations such as the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Dubai, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, South Africa, and the Middle East.This extensive network provides competitive cost structures and optimal service provision, courtesy of our highly skilled, dedicated, and affable cadre of professionals that meet your requirements with exquisite expertise on a daily basis

Our overarching aim is to furnish unparalleled services at the most judicious expenses. Patron contentment holds precedence for us, and we actively attend to the requisites of patrons, reacting promptly to their exigencies. Uniex Corurier & Cargo furnishes a comprehensive array of services customized to meet the multifaceted demands of our patrons. Our mission is encapsulated in our maxim, "Ithu Namma Courier."

Uniex International Courier Services India distinguishes itself as a luminous paragon of efficiency and economic feasibility in the global panorama. With a storied chronicle, a worldwide presence, and a patron-centric methodology, we persevere in our allegiance to supremacy, ceaselessly endeavoring to satisfy the dynamic logistics prerequisites of our patrons throughout the globe.

30.05.2024 00:00

Uniex international courier

Uniex International Courier leads as India's best international courier service, offering top-tie...