
PT Margaol Paper

PT Margaol Paper

PT Margaol Paper

About PT Margaol Paper

PT Margaol was established within the framework of the Domestic Investment Law no. 6 of 1968 jo. Law No. 12 of 1970 based on deed no. 221 dated January 20, 2007 from Rinto Sitompul, SH, notary in Jakarta. The deed of establishment has been approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in his decree No. C2-5130.HT01-01 TH.83 dated May 14, 2007.

In accordance with article 3 of the Company's Articles of Association, the scope of the Company's activities is to carry out the Pulp & paper production business activities. we did export in 2008 for the first time. and supported by up-to-date and up-to-date equipment, we can produce quality paper that has international standards.As one of the most integrated and scalable pulp and paper production facilities in Indonesia, PT Margaol is committed to delivering exceptional quality in the wake of rising demand for quality paper products all over the world.
Our Research & Development (R&D) is the key on how innovation works. Innovations come about as the result of a planned with leading scientists, suppliers and specialist businesses, and managed by an essential role in our ambition to make a positive impact on the world around us. We have more than ten core scientists, supported by 72 staffs, and provided with the main laboratory since 2007. The team has more than 8 years experience in paper industry and spreads to many functions on processes & products. R&D grows and become bigger.

Copy paper (Copimax A4 80 Gsm High Quality Paper)


Sheet Size:210mm x 297mm, International Size A4
Quality: 100% Virgin Wood Pulp
Whiteness = 102-104%,Natural White
Capability: Hig...

Copy paper (Best Quality Paperline Gold A4 80 Gsm)


Sheet Size:210mm x 297mm, International Size A4
Quality: 100% Virgin Wood Pulp
Whiteness = 102-104%,Natural White
Capability: High Speed C...

Paper products (Paper One, A4, 80 Gsm, high quality grade)


Sheet Size:210mm x 297mm, International Size A4
Quality: 100% Virgin Wood Pulp
Whiteness = 102-104%,Natural White
Capability: High Spee...

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Paper One A4 80 Gsm high quality grade