
Intelli Revolution GmbH

Intelli Revolution GmbH

Intelli Revolution GmbH

About Intelli Revolution GmbH

Intelli Revolution GmbH - compliance simply simple

Intelli Revolution offers consulting services and software solutions related to data protection issues. Our main focus is on data protection and whistleblower systems. As a partner for compliance, we support companies in setting up a legally compliant whistleblower reporting office.

Today's business environment is more dynamic than ever. New legal regulations and requirements demand agility and fast project realizations. Our team consists of experienced lawyers and IT experts who provide individual advice and accompany projects from analysis to performance review.

We specialize in planning and implementing compliance measures such as an anonymous whistleblower system. We keep an eye on all legal requirements and work economically and securely. In this way, we help you to keep outside interference at bay. We offer standard software and customized individual solutions. Our experts work with you to find out which digital services meet customer requirements.

This allows our customers to concentrate fully on their own core business. Data protection is part of our range of services. Intelli Revolution provides external data protection officers with a legal background for companies in all industries. You benefit from in-depth knowledge of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Federal Data Protection Act combined with IT know-how.

Since its founding in 2020, the Hamburg-based start-up Intelli Revolution GmbH has offered a comprehensive range of services in the field of compliance. Since 2022, this has also included a whistleblower system. The innovative whistleblower system supports companies in meeting the legal requirements for a whistleblower reporting office.