
Johann Maffei GmbH & Co. KG

Johann Maffei GmbH & Co. KG

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO14001:2015

Johann Maffei GmbH & Co. KG

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • DIN EN ISO14001:2015

About Johann Maffei GmbH & Co. KG

You are in excellent hands with us.

over 85 years of know-how in the field of hard chrome plating stand for the highest processing quality.

Flexible scheduling ensures you fast repair and individual part processing.

Complete service from a single source
- Reworking of tools:
Dechroming, spot welding, laser welding, polishing and new hard chrome plating, as well as mirror polishing and stone grinding

As a traditional metal finishing company, Maffei has evolved over time to become your reliable partner in hard chrome plating. Our competent employees carry out your individual requirements with care and high efficiency to your satisfaction.

Hard chrome plating of profile tools for pultrusion

Hard chrome plating of:
Tools for extrusion technology (e.g. pipe sleeves, pipe mandrels, spiral mandrel distributors, slot dies, etc.)
Profile tools for pultrusion

Hard chrome plating of mixing systems for elastomer technology

Hard chrome plating of mixing systems for elastomer technology

Hard chrome plating of brake lining and clutch disc tools

Hard chrome plating of brake lining and clutch disc tools

Hard chrome plating of pressure and injection moulds

Hard chrome plating of pressure and injection moulds

Hard chrome plating of drawing and embossing tools

Hard chrome plating of drawing and embossing tools

Hard chrome plating of cylinders, pistons, piston rods, rollers

Hard chrome plating of cylinders, pistons, piston rods, rollers

Hard chrome plating on commission

Info about hard chrome

Quality features of hard chrome coatings

  • Protection against wear and corrosion
  • High hardness without distor...

Special Solutions

The "Galvanotechnik" specialist company mark that we carry obliges us to maintain a high quality standard through in-house and external monitoring. We control and ensure quality through constant in...

Sandblasting Services

Mechanical pre- and post-processing of:
tools by polishing, mirror polishing, jet lapping and sand blasting

more than 90 years of know-how in the field of hard chrome plating stand for highest processing q...

Our services:

  • External cylindrical grinding between centers...
Hard chrome plating of:
  • Tools for extrusion technology (e.g. pipe sleeves, pipe man...