
Zamak Mercator Sp. z o.o.

Zamak Mercator Sp. z o.o.

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

Zamak Mercator Sp. z o.o.

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

About Zamak Mercator Sp. z o.o.

Zamak Mercator is the only Polish company offering a full range of modern extruders and injection molding machines as well as complete laboratory lines laboratory, customized and specialized for research institutes and companies engaged in plastics processing. Industrial production lines manufactured by Zamak Mercator includes single screw extruders, twin-screw extruders and associated equipment. The offer includes a wide selection of single screw extruders with diameters ranging from Ø10 to Ø15O mm, like also co-rotating or counter-rotating extruders with the range of screw diameter from 2xØ12 to 2xØ120. Zamak Mercator’s extruders are distinguished by innovative design solutions and high torque, which allows research of hard recyclable plastics. In its activities, Zamak Mercator combines over 60 years of experience with the latest trends in the industry.

Rubber Extruders

Zamak Mercator is a manufacturer of industrial extruders for processing rubber compounds. Offers the extruder with a diameter of the screw of Ø 32 mm, Ø45 mm, Ø60 mm, Ø90 mm, Ø120 mm, Ø150 mm and a...

Single Screw Extruders

Single screw extruders for plastics

Zamak Mercator is a manufacturer of single screw extruders for plastics industry with diameters of the screw Ø 16 mm, Ø25 mm, Ø 32 mm, Ø...

Twin Screw Extruders (2 x ∅24)

Ślimaki zastosowane w modułach wytłaczających mają budowę segmentową, co zapewnia dopasowanie stref roboczych do rodzaju badanego polimeru. Dostępne są segmenty ślimaków o różnych długościach L/D jak...

Production Line for 3D Printers Filament

The line is intended for the production of the filament of 3D printer - the diameter by 1.75 mm to 3.00 mm, with the high accuracy of proper dimensions. The filament can be produced from ABS, PLA and...